
In MongoDB, since the database is schemaless and the field names are included for every document in the JSON, much more storage space is required than traditional databases with schemas. Because of this, a common practice is to store very short field names in the documents to conserve space. This is not ideal from a business domain standpoint so mappers like Mongoid provide alias functionality to keep the domain model expressive. An example of this in Mongoid is:

class Band
  include Mongoid::Document
  field :n, as: :name, type: String

In the above example you can reference the field by `Band#name`, but the field in the database is stored as `n`. We want to maintain this expressiveness in querying the database as well, so the Queryable needs a hash to know how to map the name to the field in the database. You pass this as the first argument to the queryable's constructor.

class Query
  include Origin::Queryable

queryable ={ "name" => "n" })

The aliases hash *must* be string keys and string values. Then you can do this and it will get converted to the database field name `n`:

queryable.where(name: "value")
queryable.selector #=> { "n" => "value" }